Colonel Winky's Warriors - Gallery
Here are some examples of the levels of my work.
Click on the picture for a larger view:
Level 1 - Rank & File
This is the basic standard for the bulk of any painted army. Base colors applied to whole model, basic wash and some highlights. No extra detail, no eyes. Looks good across the table presented as a whole unit.
Level 2 - Elite
This is the next step following the basic standard. Base colors applied to whole model, basic washs and highlights. A bit more attention to detail. Looks good across the table presented as a whole unit.
Level 4 - Hero
This is the quality for the leaders of you force. Base colors with various color washes and levels of shading and highlights along with special attention to detail. These are the figures that stand out on the gaming table or in the collectors cabinet. Decorative base in most cases.
Level 5 - Legend
These are the figures that make up the myths and legends and form the centerpiece of any army or collection. Base colors with several color washes and levels of shading and highlights along with extra special attention to detail. Decorative base in most cases.
Level 3 - Champion
This is a good quality for the mid level type. Base colors with color washes, shading and highlights along with greater attention to detail. The finished product says look at me and It is expected that this model will be picked up and given the once over. Decorative base in most cases.
Please contact us at colwinky@aol.com with your specific requests, and we will prepare
a free estimate.
Or for more information, call us at: 818-675-5399
Or send inquiries to:
Colonel Winky
c/o Jerry Kegley
18014 Sherman Way #275
Reseda, CA 91335